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Patrick's address at Arlington is Section 60, plot 60-10486.  These photographs show the seasons changing, beginning in September 2013.

Patrick Easter flowers crop 10Apr14.jpg

Above: Easter flowers

Below: Carson Burton visiting Patrick

Chip Carson.jpeg
Anneke Nelson's MCM medal & pumpkin.jpg

Above: Wings on Patrick's headstone from one of two friends who left them with him.      Below: wreath laying in December.

Wreaths 17 crowd2.JPG

Below: Valentines Day

Below: Nicole Lung brings Patrick a beer.

Nicole Lung crop.jpg

Below and left: Anneke Nelson and Hillary Charalambous ran the Marine Corps Half Marathon for Patrick and Dave Remick, and left one medal on each headstone.  

Anneke Nelson and Hillary Charalambous c
Heather Allison crop1.jpg

Above: Patrick's sisters at Arlington.

Below: Visiting with Patrick's neighbors

on Memorial Day.

Patrick and grandfathers Jun17 crop.jpg

Above: Patrick between his two grandfather's on his birthday in August.

Below: James helps us celebrate Patrick's birthday.

Chipotle 24Sep14 crop.jpg

Chipotle burrito picnic.  Patrick wasn't very hungry, so he let me have his burrito.

Patrick with Chip Lois James Jun17 crop
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